Organisational culture greatly affects how an organisation operates and how the workforce interacts to carry out daily activities. Various scholars have linked strong organisational culture to high workforce productivity as a whole; the effect on specific constructs of productivity is yet to be outset. The main aim of this thesis was to analyse the link between organisational culture and employees productivity and outsets the specific effect of organisational culture on employees, motivation, commitment and leadership effectiveness, which are core components of workforce productivity. The research design took the form of a systematic review based on the structural-functionalist and ecological adaptation theories to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings. The research question was formulated using the PICOC Framework (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome and Context). Specific keywords and phrases were used to search relevant articles in four research databases: ProQuest, EBSCO host, Emerald Insight, and Elsevier. 18 studies were sampled for the research. They were then summarised, synthesised, critiqued and compared to answer the research question. The findings from the study are herein presented.